Tech Seminar (Based on Get Focused . . . Stay Focused)
Tech Seminar (Based on Get Focused . . . Stay Focused)
A new course offering that utilizes Career Choices and the online 10-year plan, an interdisciplinary curriculum that engages students and teachers in an interactive learning process. This class will help students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to successfully examine their own lives, explore and evaluate a wide range of education and career options, and make reasoned and researched goals for their future. This semester length "freshman transition course" facilitates the in-depth exploration of three fundamental questions:1) Who am I?, 2) What do I want?, and 3) How do I make it happen? These questions drive the academically-integrated curriculum, making it relevant, rigorous, and relationship-rich. The course culminates with students developing an individualized, online, 10-year plan that motivates them to envision a self-sufficient, productive life beyond high school, college or post-secondary training.
Note: This course is based on the highly successful Dual Enrollment Freshman Transition model created by Santa Barbara Community College that offers college credit for the course and starts students on the road to increased engagement, academic achievement and attendance throughout high school and into their college/career. Cuesta College has partnered with the Lucia Mar Unified School District to offer the same opportunity to our students. By the end of high school, students will choose a career path, select a major and apply to the college that best aligns with their major field of interest.
A new course offering that utilizes Career Choices and the online 10-year plan, an interdisciplinary curriculum that engages students and teachers in an interactive learning process. This class will help students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to successfully examine their own lives, explore and evaluate a wide range of education and career options, and make reasoned and researched goals for their future. This semester length "freshman transition course" facilitates the in-depth exploration of three fundamental questions:1) Who am I?, 2) What do I want?, and 3) How do I make it happen? These questions drive the academically-integrated curriculum, making it relevant, rigorous, and relationship-rich. The course culminates with students developing an individualized, online, 10-year plan that motivates them to envision a self-sufficient, productive life beyond high school, college or post-secondary training.
Note: This course is based on the highly successful Dual Enrollment Freshman Transition model created by Santa Barbara Community College that offers college credit for the course and starts students on the road to increased engagement, academic achievement and attendance throughout high school and into their college/career. Cuesta College has partnered with the Lucia Mar Unified School District to offer the same opportunity to our students. By the end of high school, students will choose a career path, select a major and apply to the college that best aligns with their major field of interest.