Principal's Message

Welcome to Nipomo High School!
Principal’s Message
Welcome to Nipomo High School, Home of the Titans! We desire for each of you to be connected to our school in ways beyond just your academic courses. School sponsored activities, clubs and sports not only build lasting memories and friendships, they also enable you to establish relationships with our staff outside of the classrooms. Combined with our caring staff, the relationships with friends and staff create a supportive network that ensures each graduate is Career, College and Community Ready.
Aligned with the California Department of Education’s “The California Way,” our Titan Team has established “The Nipomo Way,” a comprehensive and coherent approach to support equitable outcomes for each student. Our team has an unwavering belief in you and we are committed to each student learning at high levels. We recognize that some students require additional support while others may desire extended learning, yet we firmly believe that all students should be Career, College and Community Ready. Our team has established the beliefs, behaviors and actions that assure timely intervention AND enrichment for each student.
Nipomo High School is dedicated to having each graduate Career, College & Community Ready, supporting every student to still have access to each of the five post-secondary options accessible following graduation. Comfortably living independent as an adult requires a continuation of your education (K-14+) after Nipomo High School in one of the following:
- Public / Private College or University
- Community College
- Career or Technical College
- United States Armed Services (Military Academies, ROTC, Enlistment)
- Apprenticeships or WorkForce (livable wage with health and retirement benefits)
Preparation for each requires successful completion of rigorous coursework, as the most complex text and computation is no longer in traditional collegiate academics but within the career and technical trades. While attending Nipomo High School, we will help you learn more about your interests and strengths and we assist you with academic guidance through our School Counseling Program so that upon graduation each of the five options remain available to you.
Thank you for entrusting us with your student!
John Denno, Principal